There’s a reason audiences still love OKLAHOMA! in productions large and small: glorious Rodgers & Hammerstein music, high-energy dancing, great characters, a timeless love story, and, of course, colorful (or muted) costumes! Featured here are three different productions – very large and very small, each with different design themes but all using our costumes.Our thanks to our friends at Cabrillo Music Theatre, Claremont High School, and Southern Colorado Repertory Theatre for these photos, as well as to photographer Mike Tranter of SCRT for use of these images.
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Aunt Eller and Will Parker. photo credit: SCRT
Will Parker and men's ensemble. photo credit: SCRT
Ensemble ladies. photo credit: SCRT
Ali Hakim, Pa Carnes, And Ado Annie. photo credit: SCRT
Curley - firing at knotholes!. photo credit: SCRT
Curley and Jud Frye. photo credit: SCRT
Ali Hakim and Jud
Laurie and the ladies of the ensemble, just before the Dream Ballet. photo credit: SCRT
Dream Laurie. photo credit: SCRT
Dream Ballet - Laurie and the can can dancers, with Will Parker looking on. photo credit: SCRT
Jud and can can girls. photo credit: SCRT
Carnes, Laurie, Slim, and Aunt Eller. photo credit: SCRT
Curley and Laurie. photo credit: SCRT
Will, Ado Annie, Curley, Laurie and ensemble in OKLAHOMA! photo credit: SCRT
The Company of OKLAHOMA! photo credit: SCRT
Aunt Eller and Will Parker. photo credit: SCRT
Will Parker and men's ensemble. photo credit: SCRT
Ensemble ladies. photo credit: SCRT
Ali Hakim, Pa Carnes, And Ado Annie. photo credit: SCRT
Curley - firing at knotholes!. photo credit: SCRT
Curley and Jud Frye. photo credit: SCRT
Ali Hakim and Jud
Laurie and the ladies of the ensemble, just before the Dream Ballet. photo credit: SCRT
Dream Laurie. photo credit: SCRT
Dream Ballet - Laurie and the can can dancers, with Will Parker looking on. photo credit: SCRT
Jud and can can girls. photo credit: SCRT
Carnes, Laurie, Slim, and Aunt Eller. photo credit: SCRT
Curley and Laurie. photo credit: SCRT
Will, Ado Annie, Curley, Laurie and ensemble in OKLAHOMA! photo credit: SCRT
The Company of OKLAHOMA! photo credit: SCRT