Rentals for Shows
When working with The Theatre Company it is our job to help with every step of the show costuming process. Paying close attention to the look of your show, your schedule, and your budget, it is our pleasure to assist in the realization of your artistic vision.
Show Costume Rentals
- If you’re seeking someone to curate the costumes for your production, we have knowledgeable Show Designers staff that can assemble the necessary costumes and have them available to you for pick-up or delivery.
- If you’re a designer coordinating a show of any size, we offer you the opportunity to visit our warehouse and make choices yourself, by appointment.
- If you’re a producer planning a season of shows, we can provide budget estimates to aid you in making decisions by referencing our extensive costume plots. We also offer costumes for photo calls at no extra cost for contracted shows.
- If you’re a theatre educator trying to juggle too many tasks and direct a show in your copious spare time, please know that advice is always free, and we’re here to help.
- If you’re the “Theatre Parent” who somehow ended up in charge of costumes – stop worrying, and call The Theatre Company.